You can move closer to the life you want to live and the infinite flexibility that you desire sooner than you think.
You became an executive coach to fulfill your passion and live according to the vision you have for yourself. Move closer to living the life that you want and making the impact you know you can have by having a business development plan that will provide you with a steady flow of revenue.
You can generate an additional six-figures with less effort than you think.
You can add six-figures to your income with as little as five clients. Let’s do some quick math. Assuming you charge an average of $20K per live coaching engagement (which is not an out of whack number), that is five coaching engagements to make six-figures. That is one coaching engagement sold nearly every two months. With focused effort, it can be relatively simple to get those five.
It’s easier to stand out than you might think by just doing a few things better and without a huge investment of time and money.
Executive coaching is a growing market at $1 billion plus. But it’s also a crowded market with more and more folks becoming coaches every day. To succeed in this space, it’s critical that you differentiate yourself now as a real professional.
Have you been getting outstanding results with your executive coaching clients yet still feel like you’re not generating the income you desire?
Or perhaps you’re just starting out as an executive coach and are overwhelmed with how to meet your revenue goals?
Let’s be honest. You LOVE what you do. You became an executive coach so you could help others be the best that they can be and make an incredible impact on others. You launched your own practice so you could have autonomy, flexibility and live life on your own terms.
Making that leap to going out on your own – – whether that is in the near horizon for you or was many years ago – – is no small feat. Take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate it!
But truth be told, most folks don’t become executive coaches because they are dying to grind it out on the business development front. And, yet, is business development necessary? Yes! Without it, you can’t do the very thing and live the very way that you love.
Sadly, many executive coaches, while great practitioners, fizzle out or plateau prematurely on the business development front causing unnecessary angst and frustration. The easiest way to figure out how to take your revenue to the next level is to take note of what highly successful executive coaches (those with big client impact AND big revenue) do:
Highly successful executive coaches are as committed to ensuring they have a steady flow of paying clients as they are to making sure their clients get results.
Highly successful executive coaches consistently embody business development by following step-by-step revenue generating practices that provide them with the income they desire.
Highly successful executive coaches simplify their business development approach so it is sustainable and generative rather than cumbersome and a time suck.

Hello, I’m Muriel Wilkins.
Like many executive coaches, I launched my coaching practice with a vision of helping clients reach their full potential while enjoying my new found freedom of working independently and not “reporting” to anyone.
While that was my dream, the reality was that I also needed to pay the bills. The struggle I faced was never knowing when that next client was going to show up and churning through the feast-or-famine cycle.
Even my extensive corporate experience and my Harvard MBA weren’t saving me from the struggle.
This was stressful and discouraging to say the least. I’d left a high paying job and now this. The more I struggled, the less I wanted to face the issue ahead of me… if I didn’t generate more revenue, I’d be going back to a corporate job.

There’s not a week that goes by without an executive coach, like you, asking to “pick my brain” about how to increase their revenue. They want to know what do I do differently that leads to such great results. My reaction: “It’s not that complicated.” Whether a newbie or an established coach, I share with them some of my simple tips and strategies which they can implement right away. They always want to know more!
Generating more revenue through your practice does not need to be complicated, expensive or time consuming. You don’t even need to be a social media maven (I know I’m not!). Your business development efforts can yield six-figure results if you focus on a few things and do them well.
The Four Biggest Pain Points That Hold Executive Coaches Back From Reaching Their Revenue Goals
Pain Point #1
You don’t mind picking up the phone when it rings but are uncomfortable proactively approaching potential clients about your services
Pain Point #2
You spend most of your energy on client work so you find it hard to make time for business development
Pain Point #3
You know the market is glutted with executive coaches so feel uncertain about how to differentiate yourself to potential clients
Pain Point #4
You are confident you deliver great work to your clients but fear you might be leaving money on the table when it comes to pricing
Every single one of these pain points is a result of not having a systematic business development approach.
With a simple step-by-step approach and the support to hold you accountable to your goals, you can transition from merely earning a living as an executive coach to owning a thriving practice aligned with your revenue dreams.
A virtual program designed to take your revenue to the next level.
Your Virtual Masterclass includes:

Over seven online webinars, downloadable tools, templates and worksheets, I will share the same system I have used to generate significant revenue year after year.
You’ll be ramping up your revenue generating efforts while you learn to develop your own business development master plan. No need to wait until the end of the program to put what you’re learning into action.
Set Your Coaching Practice Goals – Start With The End In Mind
By the end of this module, you will have a clear picture of what you want out of your coaching practice. You’ll be answering the question “What do YOU want?.” With the end outcome in mind, you will be able to build a clear focused business development plan that generates results and ultimately serves your purpose and the life you want to live.
We will dive into:
How to overcome the biggest obstacle that gets in the way of generating more revenue for your coaching practice
What specific outcomes you want from your coaching practice so that you can find clients that will help you meet your goals
How to avoid the easiest mistakes people make in setting revenue targets
How you can establish specific and realistic revenue goals so that you have a clear number in mind that drives all your business development activities
You’ll be using these tools to build your business development plan:
The Purpose & Outcomes Statement tool to help you define what impact you want to make through your business
The “Back of the Envelope” Revenue Target Calculator to help you quickly establish concrete revenue goals
The Business Development Mastery Self-Assessment to identify your strengths and gaps when it comes to business development
Establish Your Product Portfolio – Deliver The Value That Clients Need
Every business development master is keen on identifying client needs and, better yet, is ready to provide solutions that meet those needs. In this module, you’ll be answering the question “What do you DO?” and does it matter to clients. You will be able to clearly articulate what client needs you are uniquely positioned to serve and how. This will save you time and energy when you get in front of prospects and make you more easily memorable to clients when a need surfaces.
We will dive into:
What your clients really need and want to buy so that you can create products that you can actually sell
What products you can offer clients so that you’re not recreating the wheel at every opportunity
How you can easily package your products so that you are credible and relevant to your clients
How to avoid the big mistake of trying to be all things to all people so that you can focus your efforts
You’ll be using these tools to build a product portfolio that generates revenue:
The Sweet Spot Analysis Worksheet to help you match what you have to offer with what the market demands
The Product Portfolio Planning Worksheet to help you drill down and articulate your core go-to market product offerings
The Products At-A-Glance Template to summarize your product offerings so that anyone can easily understand what you do
Determine Your Pricing – Get Profits from Your Products
An essential part to meeting your revenue goal is to be clear and committed to your pricing structure. In this module, you will avoid the “finger in the wind” pricing method and instead use a disciplined, strategic way of establishing fees that will put you closer to your revenue goal.
We will dive into:
How to avoid fatal pricing pitfalls so that you can maximize your revenue opportunities
How to figure out what you can realistically charge clients to actually meet your revenue goals
What pricing bandwidth you can allow yourself so that you can build a robust client pipeline and negotiate effectively when needed
You’ll be using these tools to determine the pricing that will generate profits:
The Product Pricing Worksheet to help you establish pricing for each of your products
The Pricing Reality Check Spreadsheet to help you figure out whether you can realistically meet your revenue goals with the fees you’re charging
The Fee Schedule Template to help you stand your ground on proposed fees and have a systematic way of knowing when and how to adjust them
Create Your Marketing Presence – Communicate Value to Your Clients
Your marketing presence is what represents you out there to clients – – and it says a lot about you. It can’t be generic, sloppy and unfocused. It needs to exude the credibility and professionalism that will make clients want to know more about you. Many executive coaches spin their wheels, spending countless hours, creating marketing materials that end up having no impact. In this module, you’ll focus on what you need to get the biggest bang for your buck in terms of marketing materials. You’ll also, once and for all, have some core marketing materials that will reliably present you well to your clients.
We will dive into:
What marketing materials you really need to have so that you don’t waste your time unnecessarily
How to create effective marketing materials that convey the value you bring to the table and piques potential clients’ interest in working with you
You’ll be using these tools to build powerful marketing materials that help you reach your revenue goal:
The Professional Profile Template to develop a bio that aligns with you are and professionally resonates with clients
The Marketing Deck Template to create informational packets that establish your credibility with clients and that they’ll actually want to read
Build Your Business Development Pipeline – Cultivate & Nurture Relationships
In this module, we’re going to walk through a simple process to identify and reach out to potential clients. You’ll get a system which works to figure out how to make sure you have a pipeline of prospects and business development opportunities. We’ll figure out how to get in the door and get a meeting in place.
We will dive into:
How to create a pipeline plan that will yield the revenue results you desire
How to avoid wasting time with business development meetings that yield no results
What outreach you need to do so that you are cultivating your relationships and staying top of mind for potential opportunities
You’ll be using these tools to build a robust pipeline that generates revenue consistently:
The Pipeline Power Moves Worksheet to set specific action items to build your pipeline
The Pipeline Tracker Spreadsheet to easily track your pipeline activity and help you stay accountable
Perfect Your Pitch – Turn Your Contacts into Clients
In this module, you will master the art of the pitch – – getting your contacts to want to work with you. You’ve done the hard work to get in front of the client. Here, you will improve your chances of closing new business by proposing yourself and your work in a way that helps the client select you.
We will dive into:
How to avoid the big mistakes coaches make when pitching their services
How to nail your introduction so that it generates ongoing client interest right from the start
How to ace your coaching interview so that the client selects you
You will use the following tools to master your client pitch:
The Pitch Preparation Worksheet to ensure you are ready for any client discussion
The Pitch Questions Checklist to help you know how to answer even the toughest questions that clients ask
The Pitch Talking Points Worksheet to help you with powerful introductions and stories to make your client discussions memorable
Your Performance – Work Your Plan for Results
In this module, we will put in place the necessary systems to make sure you stick to your plan and execute. Following your plan will enable you to consistently generate new client opportunities which in turn will grow your business to meet your revenue goals.
We will dive into:
How to track your business development activities so that you can plan and course correct your approach to align more closely with your goals
How to maintain momentum with your business development so that your efforts are generative over time and increasingly yield positive results
You will receive:
The Revenue Tracking Sheet so that you can stay on top of your income and analyze your business development efforts
The Pulse Check Planner to assess how you’re doing against your plan and course correct as needed
The Annual Planning Worksheet to review and plan for the next BD cycle
“In the almost two decades I’ve been an executive coach, I have not yet met anyone else who is as talented and masterful at business development as Muriel Wilkins. In the almost two decades I’ve been an executive coach, I have not yet met anyone else who is as talented and masterful at business development as Muriel Wilkins. Consistently, she’s been a top business development leader, bringing in over seven figures in revenue each year. Through her secret sauce of knowing how to drive client value and revenues, she’s been able to offer so many high quality executive coaching engagements to clients and grow her practice. The fact that she is now paying it forward by sharing her 20 years of experience in business development with others in hopes that all coaches can fulfill their sense of life purpose is a testimony to who she is as a person. I can’t recommend enough Muriel and The Executive Coach’s Business Development Masterclass.”
“I stopped spinning my wheels and finally achieved my six-figure revenue goals. One word: results! I stopped spinning my wheels and finally achieved my six-figure revenue goals. Muriel’s ability to break down and simplify what seems like an overwhelming process was so helpful to me.”
“I was able to simplify my business development efforts, save time, and close more engagements in three months than I had in a year. Working with Muriel, I was able to simplify my business development efforts, save time, and close more engagements in three months than I had in a year.”
“As a new executive coach … I was able to generate enough revenue and stay in the coaching business. As a new executive coach, I had no idea where to start and quickly got discouraged by how slow it was for me to generate revenue. I worked with Muriel and she quickly got me focused and productive in my business development efforts. And best of all, I was able to generate enough revenue and stay in the coaching business.”
The Executive Coach’s Business Development Masterclass
We’ll dive into seven online modules designed to support your business development. Once you join, you’ll get access to all program materials so you can “binge” if that’s your preference or pace yourself at your own schedule.
You’ll get valuable tools and templates to help you execute on your business development plan, save you the time and put into practice what is covered in the webinars.
Membership to my Coaching Real Leaders Community
The Business Development VIP Mentor Program
When you join the VIP Mentor Program, you will get access to everything in the Masterclass PLUS work with me directly over the course of twelve months to see your plan through.
Seven online modules designed to support your business development
Valuable tools and templates to implement your plan
Membership to my Coaching Real Leaders Community
You’ll get a bank of 12 virtual coaching hours with me to use over 12 months
We’ll work together to make sure you have a comprehensive plan, that you’re acting on your plan and that you are achieving positive results from your plan
You’ll also get email access to me for questions that come up between coaching meetings
Frequently asked questions about The Executive Coach’s Business Development Masterclass
How long do I have access to the Masterclass?
I want you to be able to leverage all the information in the course over and over again. Therefore, you have lifetime access for as long as the course is up and running.
Do I need to already have a practice up and running to the get the most out of the Executive Coach’s Business Development Masterclass?
No. I created the The Executive Coach’s Business Development Masterclass for any executive coach at all stages of their practice. Whether you are just starting out, have been on your own for some time or are already on your way to 6-figures (or more), you can learn how to ramp up your business development efforts with less stress and time using this system.

Our Guarantee
Just like you want results for your clients, we want results for you. If for any reason you are not delighted with this program and the potential results you could gain by seeing it all the way through, we will refund your tuition 100% within the first 48-hours. No strings. No questions. Just send us an email.
Let’s keep it real. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Everything worth having in life takes a certain level of effort, this included. It takes effort, focus and discipline to get results different than where we are today. And you’re taking the first step in that direction by joining the Masterclass. I’m here to help you focus on what you need to do to optimize the chances of reaching your goals. While I don’t believe in get rich quick schemes, I do believe that if you do the work, the results will come. To that end, we do not make any guarantees about your success or income level. Any testimonials, results or other references to revenue generated through the systems taught in this program are not typical of average results. The results you get are entirely dependent on your personal efforts, your experience, resources and other factors.